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Merit List for Academic Year 2021-2022

Admission Merit List for Academic Year 2021-2022


Instructions for the Merit listed students

  1. All merit lists are generated from information given by student for online registrations.
  2. All students should check their registered mobile for the fees SMS sent from college.
  3. After last date of fees payment, if seats remain vacant waitlisted students will be promoted to granted list.

Regarding important dates for admissions feel free to contact the admission in-charge Prof. I. J. Patil (+91-9421888133 or +91-9673338752) or Dr. Y. H. Wasu (+91-9822442091)

For postgraduate admission-related queries, you may contact Dr. M. K. Patel (+91 9421888176) or Dr. P. R.Torawane (+91 9881946890)

Merit List of Science Faculty

FYBSc Merit Lists- [Registration still  

First Merit List For FYBSc (Granted Seats)

Second Merit List For FYBSc (Non-Granted Seats)

Third Merit List For FYBSc (Non-Granted Seats) New*


SYBSc Merit Lists-

First Merit List For SYBSc (Granted Seats)

Second Merit List For SYBSc (Non-Granted Seats)

TYBSc Merit Lists

Fifth Merit List Non-Granted seats


Note: Contact the respected Head of the department for further process of Admission

Chemistry (Click Here)

Dr. U. M. Jadhav (HoD, Chemistry) 94218888318/9284706894

Fourth Merit List Non-Granted seats


Note: Contact the respected Head of the department for further process of Admission

Chemistry (Click Here)

Dr. U. M. Jadhav (HoD, Chemistry) 94218888318/9284706894

Microbiology (Click Here)

Dr. R. Z. Sayyed (HoD, Microbiology) 9890234486

Third Merit List Non-Granted seats


Note: Contact the respected Head of the department for further process of Admission.

Chemistry (Click Here)

Dr. U. M. Jadhav (HoD, Chemistry) 94218888318/9284706894

Microbiology (Click Here)

Dr. R. Z. Sayyed (HoD, Microbiology) 9890234486

Second Merit List Non-Granted seats


Chemistry (Click Here)

Botany (Click Here)

Microbiology (Click Here)

First Merit List Granted seats (List-I)

Chemistry (Click Here)

Physics (Click Here)

Mathematics (Click Here)

Microbiology (Click Here)

Botany (Click Here)

Zoology (Click Here)

Botany (Click Here)


