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One Day National E-Seminar on “Pandemic and Literature’ on 27/03/2021 at 11 am

Registration Link:- https://forms.gle/1RUFuC9tWMHmZVek6

Literature is the mirror of society. Whatever changes take place in nature and culture are immediately reflected in the Literature. Pandemic Covid-19 has a great impact on humanity. It created chaos and signs of future hazards. This pandemic reminded us of the memories and accounts of past pandemics. It reminded us that history repeats itself. Historical records provide us with the causes and origin of pandemics. It provides the data and statistics of the loss and death in the pandemic. Literature provides a humanistic approach to life in and after the pandemic. It represents the human struggle and fathomless sea of sorrow.
We are pleased to announce that the Department of English, Shri S. I. Patil Arts, G. B. Patel Science & STKVS Commerce College, Shahada Dist. Nandurbar( M.S.) India, is organizing a ONE DAY NATIONAL eSEMINAR by ONLINE MODE on ‘PANDEMIC & LITERATURE’
* 27 March 2021

*Time: 11 AM
Chief Organizer
Prof. Dr. R. S. Patil
Principal, Shri S. I. Patil Arts, G. B. Patel Science & STKVS Commerce College, Shahada Dist. Nandurbar (M.S.)

Prof. Dr. Sushil Sindkhedkar
Professor of English

Khumansing Valvi

Organizing secretaries
Prof. R. S. Mali
Prof. Sangeeta Patel
Attend & Watch here eSeminar: https://youtu.be/QprMfIpo4eA
Registration link: https://forms.gle/1RUFuC9tWMHmZVek6
To join telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/6X2P19-SqPRjOGZl
For more details, contact to.-
Khumansing Valvi – 9422359110
Prof. R. S. Mali – 7030672807
Prof. Sangeeta Patel – 7798512218
Note: e-certificate will be given to participants after attending full session and submission of feedback form.

eSeminar flyer on Pandemic and Literature11