+91-2565-229576      principal.shahada@gmail.com

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National e-Conference on ” Human Relationship in Literature and Society: pre and post-pandemic perspective”

Dear all,

Department of English, PSGVPMs SIP Arts, GBP Science, and STKVS Commerce College, Shahada happy to announce that we are going to organize a National e-Conference on ” Human Relationship in Literature and Society: pre and post-pandemic perspective” on February 11, 2022 (10.00 am onwards).

Registration link for the event: https://forms.gle/dbaXjrxDAVSsdKzT9

Join our Telegram Group for further updates: https://t.me/+hrC-AR1sSXc5ZDM1

Zoom Meeting Link for the event: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89314356187?pwd=VHFEek5zdEdpR2ErcDJkTWEyUnM2UT09

Meeting ID: 893 1435 6187
Passcode: 541100

Please find herewith the details of the event in the flyer

E-Conference Flyer english