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National E-Seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)” on 11-02-2021 (10:00 am)


Dear Sir/Madam/Friends,

We are delighted to announce that IQAC and the Department of Biotechnology of P. S. G. V. P. Mandal’s  SIP Arts, GBP Science and STKVS Commerce College, Shahada, Dist-Nandurbar (M.S.) is jointly organizing a One Day  National E-Seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)” on 11th February 2021, 10:00 am.

Speaker:  Dr. M. M. Betkar, Principal, Shri Kumarswami Mahavidyalaya, Ausa, Latur (MS).

Topic – Intellectual Property Rights & Patent Filing Process

For the Registration Form using the below link https://forms.gle/13Y8cQtSkR2udbFKA

Don’t forget to join the Telegram Group https://t.me/joinchat/HtXXwn5GRRRAPIU0  

YouTube Link  for live Session available on https://bit.ly/3mQZtQe

In this national e-seminar, the eminent speakers will elaborate on the various aspects of IPR and the process involved to avail these.

We request all the respected Arts, Science & Commerce faculty members to kindly share this with all the UG and PG Students and encourage them to register for, and attended the e-seminar.

IPR E-Seminar

The e-seminar will be broadcasted live on YouTube and Zoom platforms. The link will be sent after a successful registration. The program schedule and any additional information will be communicated on the Telegram group of IPR Webinar.

There will be no registration fees & e-certificates will be sent to the registered participants after receiving the feedback of the event.

-For more details feel free to contact


Mr. H. P. Jadhav – 9960910714

Mr. R. D. Mali – 9689042579