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  • Application for admission should be submitted in the prescribed form. The applicant should fill in the form carefully.
  • Incomplete or Incorrect forms will not be accepted.
  • For admission to first-year classes, an eligibility form, an original mark sheet, and its true copy are necessary.
  • Admission will not be confirmed unless eligibility is obtained from the North Maharashtra University.
  • Students of second- and third-year classes should attach an attested copy of the mark sheet for the previous examination to the admission form.
  • Students from other colleges within the jurisdiction of North Maharashtra University must produce a T.C. at the time of admission to this college. Such students will have to obtain the university’s written permission to change to the college.

SY BSc Admissions 2024-25

द्वितीय वर्ष विज्ञान (२०२४-२५)

As per Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University’s Credit Based Choice System, SY BSc Students can choose the following Subjects according to their previous FY BSc subjects.

कवयित्री बहिणाबाई चौधरी उत्तर महाराष्ट्र विद्यापीठाच्या पसंती क्रमाधिष्टीत मुल्यांकन पद्धती (CBCS) अभ्यासक्रमानुसार द्वितीयवर्ष विज्ञान वर्गातील विद्यार्थ्याने प्रथम वर्षाच्या विषयानुसार खालील प्रमाणे विषय निवडावेत.

    1. Marathi / English (any oneकोणताही एक)
    2. General Knowledge (compulsoryअनिवार्य)
    3. Selectany one from following Group / खालीलपैकी कोणताही एक ग्रुप निवडा 
    • A1: Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science
    • A2: Physics, Mathematics, Geography
    • A3: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry
    • A4: Physics, Chemistry, Geography
    • B1: Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology
    • B2: Botany, Zoology, Microbiology
    • B3: Chemistry, Botany, Zoology
    • B4: Chemistry, Botany, Geography
    • B5: Chemistry, Zoology, Geography
    • B6: Chemistry, Zoology, Microbiology
    • B7: Chemistry, Botany, Microbiology
    • B8: Botany, Zoology, Geography
    1. SEC (Skill Enhancement Course) Subject (Any oneकोणताही एक)
    • Computer Science
    • Physics
    • Mathematics
    • Biotechnology
    • Chemistry
    • Botany
    • Zoology
    • Microbiology

The merit list for SYBSc Granted seats will be prepared as per demand for SEC (Skill Enhancement Course) Subjects by the students.

Sr No. SEC (Skill Enhancement Course) Subject Granted Seats for SY BSc
1 Physics 18
2 Mathematics 18
3 Chemistry 30
4 Botany 18
5 Zoology 18
6 Microbiology 18
Total Granted Seats 120

Contact Mr. Jitendra Chavan (Admission Clark – +91-9021720727) for admission inqiery and document verification process. 

The merit list will be displayed here.

TY BSc Admissions 2024-25

तृतीय वर्ष विज्ञान (२०२४-२५)

Admission dates will be communicate after the declaration of result.

All TYBSc Merit list will be dispaly here.


Admissions to post-graduate courses occur through the Centralized Admission Procedure (CAP) each year in July-August (For more details visit KBC NMU, Jalgaon University website www.nmu.ac.in).

If you have any queries regarding admission to the undergraduate program, please call Prof. Dr. S. D. Sindkhedkar (+91-99423163859) for further assistance.

For postgraduate admission-related queries, you may contact Prof. Dr. S. K. Tayade (+91 9588609455) or Dr. P. R.Torawane (+91 9881946890).
